2024 Transportation Excellence Awards
The Transportation Agency presented their 23rd Annual Transportation Excellence Awards to honor community members, programs and projects that make a significant contribution to improve transportation in Monterey County. This year’s awards honorees are:
Individual Award:
Dwight Stump, Resident

Dwight Stump has been the leader behind the public campaign to install Adaptive Signal Controls along the 8 miles of the Scenic Highway 68 Corridor.
He has erected signs at his own expense, established a website titled nine roundabouts (9 roundabouts.com) to inform the public about the benefits of adaptive signal control that has been viewed by thousands, sent numerous letters to the TAMC Board and Caltrans with information on the subject, made numerous public comments at TAMC Board meetings, posted information on the Nextdoor.com, and has spent extensive time interacting with TAMC staff on the subject.
His persistence led the TAMC Board to vote unanimously to use $500,000 of Measure X funds to install Adaptive Signal Controls at all 9 intersections on Highway 68. The anticipated results may potentially improve conditions along the heavily congested Highway 68 corridor in advance of the ultimate roundabout project.

“Toro Park Cut-Through Traffic Pilot Project” Community Group, Residents of Toro Park and Serra Village
Congestion on Highway 68 led to aggressive drivers using local streets in the Toro Park/Serra Village neighborhoods to bypass highway traffic. Residents took action by asking TAMC in March 2024 to head a project to implement a traffic safety project with complete street features, which became the “Toro Park Cut-Through Traffic Project.”
Through this community driven effort, a committee was set up to guide TAMC and County of Monterey staff in working with residents to reach a consensus on implementing a solution within 6 months of their ask. The committee helped organize community workshops that built support for the project and kept Toro Park, Serra Village informed of the project progress. The project was in place before the Toro Park Elementary School commenced in August 2024.
The result to date is that nearly 500 drivers who had been cutting through the residential neighborhoods and driving in front of an elementary school have been rerouted back onto Highway 68, where the traffic belongs.
The Toro Park Cut-Through Pilot Project is an excellent example of community-based solutions being implemented using public engagement to drive project delivery. It is a way to show elected officials and the public how a community can be empowered to deliver a project that took over 20 years to find consensus and build trust in public government to address important traffic safety issues.
“SRTS Salinas Valley Participatory Budgeting Steering Committees”
The Transportation Agency for Monterey County, Monterey County Health Department, Ecology Action, and the cities of Gonzales, Soledad, Greenfield, and King City partnered to develop the Salinas Valley Safe Routes to School Plan ("Plan"). The two-year planning process identified barriers to safe access to 22 public schools in South Monterey County cities and recommended infrastructure and non- infrastructure improvements.
The challenge faced by agency staff was figuring out how to implement a planning process that would be equitable and engage transportation disadvantaged community members. Barriers to community involvement include language, distrust of government, lack of transportation and time to attend meetings, childcare, and inexperience with civic engagement. To overcome these obstacles, the Transportation Agency identified a source of local funding to be used for safe routes to school projects decided by the community through a Participatory Budgeting process.
The Participatory Budgeting process was designed to fast-track funding and implementation of safe routes to school projects that are meaningful to community members. A steering committee, made up of residents and community advocates, worked with Safe Routes to School program partners and each city to during the Participatory Budgeting process by attending monthly meetings for eight months to identify projects and plan for an election where the community voted on the projects. After the election period, the winning projects were announced and approved at each city's city council meeting. The Participatory Budgeting projects are identified as projects that would cost under $250,000, could be constructed within a three-year timeline, and would serve as a safe route to school.
Most Steering Committee members have been women, and many of them have never been involved in a public process or project before participatory budgeting. The feedback from these women is that for the first time they feel like they are making a difference in their community and are excited to keep advocating for street safety projects.

“Commute with Enterprise Vanpool Program”
The Commute with Enterprise Vanpool Program is a partnership between Monterey -Salinas Transit and Enterprise to increase transportation options for commuters in Monterey County. Launched in 2022 with the goal of offering a better alternative to traditional commuting where fixed-route bus service isn’t the best option, or an option at all, there are currently 32 active vanpools operating, with over 240 participants. Vanpool participants are made up of commuters from both public and private sectors representing diverse groups from employers like the Monterey Bay Aquarium, agricultural employees, as well as federal government employees.
The benefits of the program are many, and include:
• Environmental Benefits: 545,320 tons of CO2 emissions have been reduced in the last year alone. This is equivalent to carbon sequestered by 248 acres of U.S. forests in one year.
• Traffic Reduction: Over 108,000 trips in a single occupancy vehicle travelling over 858,000 miles have been removed from already congested roadways.
• Cost Savings: The average total cost of owning and operating a vehicle per 15,000 miles is over $7,000 per year (U.S. Department of Transportation). MST offers a $500/month/vehicle subsidy to offset the cost for vanpool participants. The actual cost is determined by the vehicle, the number of passengers in the vehicle, and if an employer also offers a subsidy.
The monthly cost includes:
o A recent model van, SUV or crossover
o Comprehensive maintenance program
o 24/7 roadside assistance
o Insurance & physical damage protection
• Happiness Factor: Participants enjoy a relaxing commute to their destination, and can work, read, connect with their fellow commuters, or catch up on some sleep! Taking turns driving or leaving the driving to the person who enjoys it is a win for everyone.
The Commute with Enterprise Vanpool Program is a transformative program that not only offers an additional transportation option for our community, but it also improves the daily commuting experience for participants. The significant contribution to protecting our environment, alleviating traffic, and its innovative approach to reducing transportation costs just makes sense and deserves to receive the TAMC Transportation Award.