Complete Streets

The Monterey Bay Area Complete Streets Program is a policy tool that helps local jurisdictions improve their transportation networks by making streets safe and accessible for everyone. Over the past decade, transportation planning and design has changed focus from the movement of motorized transportation to the movement of people and goods who travel by various modes of transportation. Complete streets planning and design embodies this shift in thinking by considering the needs of all users in every roadway project. The Monterey Bay Area Complete Streets Guidebook is a comprehensive resource designed to assist jurisdictions in developing complete streets projects.
Monterey Bay Area Complete Streets Guidebook
The Monterey Bay Area Complete Streets Guidebook (adopted by the Transportation Agency Board in 2013), builds upon best practices from across the nation and was developed to assist local jurisdictions in planning, designing and implementing complete streets projects.
Executive SummaryIntroductionChapter 1: General Plan Vision, Goals and PoliciesChapter 2: Performance MeasuresChapter 3: Action PlanChapter 4: Complete Streets TypesChapter 5: Complete Streets DesignChapter 6: Green Streets (Low Impact Development)Chapter 7: Six-Step Implementation ProcessChapter 8: Transitioning to Complete StreetsChapter 9: Education, Encouragement & EnforcementChapter 10: Talking About Complete StreetsBibliographyAppendicesLocal Assistance
In a continued effort to increase knowledge about of complete street practices and encourage their use, TAMC will be available to assist local jurisdictions adopt the Complete Streets Guidebook as city policy.
Links To Other Complete Streets Tools and Resources
- Pedsafe Countermeasure Selection Tool
- Traffic Injury Mapping System
- National Complete Streets Coalition
- Complete Streets Caltrans
- Santa Ana Complete Streets Toolkit (in English & Spanish)
- Model Design Manual for Living Streets Los Angeles County
- Safe Routes to School Technical Assistance Resource Center
Ariana Green is the Transportation Agency for Monterey County’s Complete Streets Coordinator. If you have any questions, you can reach her at (831) 775-4403, or via email at: