Call Boxes

The Transportation Agency helps you when you’re stranded on the highway. Our system of freeway call boxes allows you to call for help if you have an unexpected breakdown.
Call Box Annual Report FY 2021-22Call Box Annual Report FY 2020-21Call Box Annual Report FY 2019-20Call Box Annual Report FY 2018-19Call Box Annual Report FY 2016-17Call Box Annual Report FY 2017-18The Service Authority for Freeways and Expressways (SAFE) owns and operates 190 emergency call boxes in Monterey County. The call boxes provide a free emergency telephone service to stranded motorists. The call boxes are answered by a live operator who will dispatch the California Highway Patrol, tow truck, and/or emergency services. Since its inception in 1999, thousands of stranded motorists have received assistance at call boxes in Monterey County. Call boxes are located along the following routes: SR 1, SR 68, SR 156, US 101, Jolon Road, Arroyo Seco Road, and Carmel Valley Road.
Project Benefits
Provides a free emergency service to stranded motorists, reliable emergency phone service when cell coverage may be unavailable, and live operator answer calls.
Project Cost
$157,000 annually
Funded by the Department of Motor Vehicles $1 per registered vehicle fee collected in Monterey County. In partnership with the California Highway Patrol and Caltrans.
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Laurie Williamson is the Agency’s Call Boxes contact person. If you have any questions, you can reach her at (831) 775-4415, or via email at: