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Highway 1 Elkhorn Slough Corridor Resiliency Project

Elkhorn Slough is a major estuary located in Monterey Bay, California. It provides valuable habitat area for hundreds of aquatic bird, fish, marine mammal, and invertebrate species and is critical to regional biodiversity. The health of Elkhorn Slough is a high priority for the region. This region is highly vulnerable to sea level rise impacts.

The eight-mile stretch of Highway 1 through Elkhorn Slough provides local access to Moss Landing, is essential to freight movement, and is a major commuting route connecting Santa Cruz and Monterey. The railway runs along the main stem of the Slough for five miles and is critical to freight and planned expansion of Caltrain service as an alternative option to driving the US 101 to San Jose.

The 2020 Central Coast Highway 1 Climate Study, led by the Association of Monterey Bay Area Government (AMBAG), developed and evaluated adaptation strategies for Highway 1 and the railway to improve resilience of transportation infrastructure and benefit Elkhorn Slough.

Map showing predicted future coastal flooding extents (+5.2 ft SLR at 2100) with key infrastructure at risk highlighted.


Fact Sheet

Elkhorn Slough Climate Resiliency Fact Sheet

Current Status

Project Activites not yet begun. Request for Proposals to be released Fall 2024. 


  • Project Initiation Document (PID) and a Planning and Environmental Linkages Study (PEL) between TAMC and Caltrans to evaluate the viability of options and establish a scope and project design.
  • Secure Additional Funding for future phases.


  • $1 Million in State Funding Secured 

Alissa Guther is the project manager for the Highway 1 Elkhorn Slough Corridor Resiliency Project. If you have any questions, you can reach her at (831) 775-4402 or

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