
The Transportation Agency for Monterey County’s mission is to proactively fund and plan a transportation system that enhances mobility, safety, access, environmental quality and economic activities by investing in regional transportation projects for Monterey County residents, businesses and visitors.
Our Board of Directors is made up of local elected officials who want to make our transportation system better by filling potholes, making our roads safer, and reducing traffic. Representative of the County’s diversity, our Board has one elected official from each of our twelve cities, and all five county supervisors. The Transportation Agency for Monterey County, working with our local, state, and federal partners, has made great progress on making our highways safer and reducing traffic, ranging from large projects, such as US 101 at San Juan Road; to rail or bus service; to smaller projects such as neighborhood sidewalks, bicycle paths and bike racks. However, our transportation system in Monterey County is aging and the county roads and city streets are crumbling. There are still significant safety concerns and traffic jams, such as those on Highway 68, Highway 156 and US 101. These issues stifle our regional economy and make it more difficult for our vulnerable populations – the elderly, children and the disabled – to get around.
The challenge facing us is that we have fallen off the fiscal cliff when it comes to transportation revenues. The primary source of transportation funding, the gas tax, hasn’t been raised for 20 years and our cars are more fuel-efficient than ever before. We can’t count on the State and federal government to bail us out. Meanwhile, project costs rise with inflation, and road repairs become more expensive the longer we wait. We have over $2 billion dollars in unfunded road maintenance, safety and traffic reduction needs in Monterey County.
Community leaders have joined with the Transportation Agency for Monterey County to develop this Transportation Safety & Investment Plan, which identifies solutions to regional safety and local road needs of the highest priority.

Measure X Raises an Estimated $600 Million
Road Projects
$360 million to Local Road Maintenance, Pothole Repairs & Safety
$160 million to Regional Road Safety & Congestion Improvements
Mobility for All
$80 million to Pedestrian & Bike Safety and Mobility Projects