Safe Routes to School Program

Children are at a disadvantage and have limited transportation options. Too young to drive, they must rely on an adult to drive them or on other forms of transportation to get around such as transit, carpooling, bicycling and walking. The majority of children are driven to school in Monterey County which is one of the leading causes of traffic congestion on local roads in the morning and afternoon. Chaotic drop-off zones in front of schools caused by increased driving creates an unsafe environment for students walking and bicycling.
The Measure X Safe Routes to School program is aimed at:
- Developing better and safer options than driving the majority of children to school;
- Educating children and the surrounding community how to safely walk and bicycle; and
- Encouraging children to use active transportation that will lead to a healthier lifestyle.
In February 2018, the Transportation Agency Board adopted the Measure X Safe Routes to School Program Guidelines which provides a vision and goals for the program, and identifies a balanced strategy for implementation.
Measure X Safe Routes to School Program GuidelinesActive Projects
Every Child: Community-Supported Safe Routes to School
MarinaSeasidevFinalElectronic2-27-2020.pdfSeaside & Marina Safe Routes to School Plan – ADOPTED February 2020!
MY Town
Blue Zones Project – Monterey County
Steering Committees
Safe Routes to School Steering Committees
Program Overview
An overview of the State Routes to School progam's goals, task force, countywide colloboration efforts and programs can be found here:
SRTS Program Overview.pdfFunding

The Program is funded through local transportation sales tax Measure X, which will provide the most consistent source of funding for the program over the next 30 years. Measure X funding will be leveraged as much as possible to bring-in other sources of local, state and federal funding to achieve the vision and goals of the Program.
Safe Routes to School Program Website