Fort Ord Regional Trail & Greenway
Project Description
The Fort Ord Regional Trail & Greenway (FORTAG) is part of a larger effort to connect communities in and around the former Fort Ord to each other and to education, employment, community, and recreation centers. FORTAG is a proposed new paved regional active transportation route that will serve as a safe pedestrian and bicycle corridor connecting Seaside, Marina, Del Rey Oaks, Monterey and unincorporated community residents to California State University Monterey Bay, the Fort Ord National Monument and the Monterey Bay Sanctuary Scenic Trail.
FORTAG is proposed as an approximately 28-mile continuous 12-ft wide paved bicycle and pedestrian trail with an open-space buffer on both sides. FORTAG will connect to the existing Monterey Bay Sanctuary Scenic Trail and will provide connections to unpaved trails in the Fort Ord National Monument. The northern loop of FORTAG encircles Marina, following a 13 mile route that includes 3 miles of the existing Coastal Rec Trail. The southern loop of FORTAG encircles Seaside and bisects Del Rey Oaks, following a 15 mile route that includes 4 miles of the existing coastal trail system. The route includes spurs connecting with existing and planned bike/pedestrian infrastructure. Several sections of the paved trail will link to nearby unpaved trails.
The FORTAG project is a grassroots proposal, more information on the background and development can be found here:

Project Benefits
- Provides a safe connection between residential areas, schools, workplaces, regional parks, and city services
- Enhances property values along the greenway corridor
- Provides community health benefits from active transportation routes
- Creates economic benefits from associated retail, hospitality, and competitive events
Conceptual Design Report
The Conceptual Design Report provides a distinctive design language that will serve as a unifying theme for the trail.
FORTAG - Conceptual Design Report - Complete Document (11 MB PDF)By chapter:
Chapter 1: Project OverviewChapter 2: Segment IdentityChapter 3: Logo and Signage ConceptsChapter 4: Design ThemesAppendix A: Design ElementsAppendix B: Branding and WayfindingAppendix C: Safety and SecurityFinal Environmental Impact Report
The Transportation Agency’s Board of Directors certified the FORTAG Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and adopted the Findings at the March 25, 2020 meeting.
Final EIR Appendices
Appendix A – Notice of Preparation and CommentsAppendix B – Key Viewpoint FormsAppendix C – Biological Resources AssessmentAppendix D – California Emissions Estimator Model ResultsAppendix E – Energy CalculationsAppendix F – Paleontological Resources AssessmentAppendix G – Phase I Environmental Site AssessmentDraft Environmental Impact Report
The FORTAG Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was available for a 57-day public review period from November 7, 2019, until January 3, 2020.
The Draft EIR includes detailed information on the proposed project, environmental impact analysis, mitigation measures, and project alternatives.
Appendix A – Notice of Preparation and CommentsAppendix B – Key Viewpoint FormsAppendix C – Biological Resources AssessmentAppendix D – California Emissions Estimator Model ResultsAppendix E – Energy CalculationsAppendix F – Paleontological Resources AssessmentDraft EIR Public Meetings
The Transportation Agency hosted two Draft EIR public meetings:
Thursday, December 12, 2019, 2:00-4:00 p.m.
Oldemeyer Center, Blackhorse Room
968 Hilby Avenue
Seaside, California 98955
Thursday, December 12, 2019, 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Marina Branch Library, Meeting Room
190 Seaside Circle
Marina, California 93933
TAMC staff also provided a project update at the following Agency/City Council meetings:
Thursday, November 21, 2019, 7:00 p.m.
Seaside City Hall
440 Harcourt Ave
Seaside, California 93955
Tuesday, November 26, 2019, 6:00 p.m.
Del Rey Oaks City Hall
650 Canyon Del Rey Blvd
Del Rey Oaks, California 93940
Monday, December 2, 2019, 5:30 p.m.
Laguna Grande Regional Park Joint Powers Agency
Seaside City Hall
440 Harcourt Ave
Seaside, California 98955
Tuesday, December 3, 2019, 6:30 p.m.
Marina City Hall
211 Hillcrest Ave
Marina, California 93933
Wednesday, December 4, 2019, 9:00 a.m.
TAMC Board of Directors
Agricultural Center, Conference Room
1428 Abbott Street
Salinas, California 93901
Wednesday, December 11, 2019, 6:00 p.m.
Monterey Peninsula Regional Park District Board of Directors
Palo Corona Regional Park, Pub Room
4860 Carmel Valley Road
Carmel, California 93923
Tuesday, December 17, 2019, 4:00 p.m.
Monterey City Hall
580 Pacific Street
Monterey, California 93940
Notice of Preparation
TAMC held two public scoping meetings to provide an opportunity for the public and representatives of public agencies to address the scope of the environmental impact report. The meetings were on Thursday, June 27, 2019 at the following locations:
Thursday, June 27, 2:00-4:00 p.m.
Oldermeyer Center, Blackhorse Meeting Room
968 Hilby Avenue
Seaside, California 98955
Thursday, June 27, 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Marina Library Meeting Room
188 Seaside Circle
Marina, California 93933
The Notice of Preparation includes a map and more information about the proposed Fort Ord Regional Trail & Greenway (FORTAG) project.
Notice of PreparationPublic Outreach
Online Survey and Pop-Up Event
TAMC collected input on the proposed Ford Ord Regional Trail and Greenway through an online survey The survey was live from August 24, 2019 until 10pm on September 13th, 2019.
Community Workshops
In 2019, TAMC held community workshops and outreach events to provide information about the project background and collect input on the environmental impact report. The documents below summarize public outreach:
February 2019 – Del Rey Oaks Community WorkshopPresentations
November 2019 – TAMC Bicycle & Pedestrian Facilities Advisory CommitteeFunding
FORTAG has $20 million in Measure X funding. $500,000 of State SB 1 Local Partnership Program funds and $500,000 of Transportation Development Act 2% funds have been allocated for environmental review and engineering design.
TAMC secured a highly competitive State Active Transportation Program grant for $10.3 million to fund construction of the Canyon Del Rey Blvd (Highway 218) segment of FORTAG between Del Rey Woods Elementary School and Laguna Grande Regional Park.
For more information about this project or how to get involved, contact Michael Zeller, Director of Programming & Project Delivery, at (831) 775-4416 or