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RELEASE DATE:        Tuesday,  March 28, 2023

MONTEREY COUNTY – The Transportation Agency for Monterey County (TAMC) announced that the California Transportation Commission (CTC) has allocated  $4.6 million to fund projects that  will enhance safety, traffic flow  and facilitate active modes of transportation in Monterey County.

The allocations by the Commission will fund   the following Measure X and Active Transportation projects submitted by the Transportation Agency, County of Monterey, City of Marina, and City of Salinas:


Imjin Road Widening Project through Senate Bill 1 Local Partnership Program Formula Funds : $1.25 Million


FORTAG - California Segment through Active Transportation Funds:  $.528 Million

Monterey County

Las Lomas Drive/Pedestrian Project through Active Transportation Funds: $2.431 Million


Harden Parkway Path & Safe Routes to School Project through Active Transportation Funds: $0.405 Million

Project Details:

Marina-Salinas Multimodal Corridor: Imjin Safety & Traffic Flow Widening Project

The Commission allocated $1.25 million in Senate Bill 1 Local Partnership Program

Formula funds to the City of Marina for the Imjin Road Widening project in Marina. This is a regional Measure X project on Imjin Parkway from Imjin Road to Reservation Road. It serves as one of the major commute corridors between the Monterey Peninsula and Salinas, ranging at various points in the project limits from 24,000 vehicles to 39,000 vehicles traversing the roadway each weekday.
With the City of Marina as the lead agency, the project will widen the Imjin Parkway from Imjin Road to Reservation Road from two to four lanes, construct four roundabouts along the corridor and make transit and pedestrian improvements.

Fort Ord Regional Trail And Greenway (FORTAG) - California Avenue Segment

The Fort Ord Regional Trail and Greenway, California Avenue Segment project submitted by TAMC will construct a 1.8-mile segment of the planned 28-mile regional trail. Improvements include a protected intersection and bicycle and pedestrian overcrossing at Imjin Road. This project located in the City of Marina is one segment of FORTAG that closes a gap in the regional multi-use path network and connects with another fully funded segment of the trail that leads to the Jerry Smith Trailhead of the Fort Ord National Monument. The allocated $528,000 in Active Transportation Program funds for this  segment of FORTAG will be used for the final design phase of the project.

Las Lomas Drive/Pedestrian Project

Monterey County received an allocation of $2.431 million of Active Transportation Program funds for the construction of the Las Lomas Drive/Pedestrian Project in the North County community of Las Lomas. The funding will be used for the completion of environmental impact documents for the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), construction of sidewalks, class II bicycle lanes, roadway improvements including widening, curb, gutter, driveways, retaining walls, and water treatment Facility.

Harden Parkway Path & Safe Routes to School Project

The City of Salinas received an allocation of $405,000 in Active Transportation Program funds for the environmental phase of the Harden Parkway Path & Safe Routes to School Project. The overall project includes the installation of a road diet on Harden Parkway with a 2-way separated multiuse path, stormwater improvements, accessible sidewalks and crosswalk, and a roundabout at McKinnon Street.

For more information, contact Theresa Wright, Community Outreach Coordinator, at,  or Mike Zeller, Director of Programming & Project Delivery at or call , 831-775-4403. You can also  visit the TAMC website at



The Transportation Agency for Monterey County (TAMC) is responsible for investing in regional transportation projects for Monterey County residents, businesses, and visitors. The mission of TAMC is to develop and maintain a multimodal transportation system that enhances mobility, safety, access, environment quality and economic activities in Monterey County. For more information visit or call 831.775.0903.”