It's Not Too Late to Register for the Move It Monterey County Challenge & Art Competition"
October 14, 2022
MONTEREY COUNTY – Monterey County, it’s not too late! You can still register and compete in the Move It Monterey County Challenge and Art Competition for a chance to win individual, team, school, and worksite prize giveaways worth more than $7,000!
The “Move it Monterey County” Challenge is presented by the Transportation Agency for Monterey County (TAMC) in co-sponsorship with Blue Zones Monterey County and MY Museum, October 1 – October 31, 2022. The goal is to encourage anyone who lives, works, or attends school in Monterey County to get out and move their bodies for health, mind, and community. You can earn credits for any trips you will take or have taken between October 1 – October 31, 2022.
Participating in the “Move It Monterey County Challenge” is easy:
- Participants must first register online at using their personal, work or student email OR a QR code distributed by their employer or school.
- Bike, walk, take a bus, or carpool to work, school, to shops or just for fun (bike and walk trips get double points!) Credit for skipping the trip and teleworking too! To get credit for their points earned, participants must track them on the platform or by downloading and using the CommuteTrack app by Rideamigos.
Here are some great ways to participate: join a Blue Zones Walking Moai (small groups walking together, ride your bike on your lunch break, hike with friends or family, or join a walking school bus. Each participant who completes and tracks at least two eligible trips during the month will be automatically entered into a random drawing to win a brand-new bike.
Prizes include gift cards to local businesses, bicycles, scooters, skateboards, bike/skateboard racks and an electric bike for the winning worksite.
The Challenge also features an exciting new ART COMPETITION for Monterey County students in grades K-12. Students can enter their transportation theme art to win additional prizes and art supplies for their classroom. Submissions are due October 21! For more information on how to participate please visit:
There will be three elementary school winners, three middle school winners, and three high school winners. Prizes include bikes, skateboards, scooters, helmets, AND art supplies for each winner’s classroom. All artists will be given credit, but full names will not be used to protect privacy.
Winners of the Move It Monterey County Challenge and the Art Competition will be announced in November.
So, let’s finish strong Monterey County! Let’s move it for our minds, for our bodies, for our community and for our collective well-being!
The Transportation Agency for Monterey County (TAMC) is responsible for investing in regional transportation projects for Monterey County residents, businesses and visitors. The mission of TAMC is to develop and maintain a multimodal transportation system that enhances mobility, safety, access, environment quality and economic activities in Monterey County. For more information visit or call 831.775.0903.
Go831 is a countywide rideshare program sponsored by the Transportation Agency for Monterey County aimed at reducing traffic and improving air quality and health by encouraging smart commuting instead of driving solo. The program is offered for free to employers and commuters in Monterey County. To learn more about Go831 or how to participate in the program, contact Ariana Green at or Theresa Wright or call 831.755.0903.
“The” Safe Route to School” is a TAMC program which offers tools, programming, and resources to schools, guardians, and communities aimed at improving safety and traffic around schools. The program’s goal is to keep every child safe and healthy by reducing the number of students involved in collisions to zero. For more information visit”
Blue Zones Project Monterey County
Brought to Monterey County through an innovative sponsorship by Salinas Valley Memorial Healthcare System, Taylor Farms, and Montage Health in collaboration with Sharecare, Inc. and Blue Zones, LLC, Blue Zones Project® is a community-by-community well-being improvement initiative designed to enable community members to live longer, happier lives with lower rates of chronic diseases and a higher quality of life. Based on principles developed by Dan Buettner, National Geographic Fellow, and New York Times best-selling author of “The Blue Zones” and “The Blue Zones Solution,” Blue Zones Project is designed to designed to make healthy choices easier through permanent changes to the built environment, policy, and social networks. To learn more about Blue Zones Project, contact the Blue Zones Project team in Monterey County or visit
The Monterey County Youth Museum provides an environment where curiosity and creativity flourish, while both children and adults discover the thrill of lifelong learning. MY Museum is located at 428 Washington Street, Monterey, CA 93940. For more information, visit,, call 831.649.6444 or