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Dockless Shared Mobility

The Transportation Agency for Monterey County developed resources to assist local jurisdictions with adopting policies to regulate dockless bike/scooter shared mobility programs.

Dockless Shared Mobility Programs – Best PracticesDockless Shared Mobility Programs – Sample Ordinance


Dockless bike and/or scooter share is a type of shared mobility that makes bicycles, electric bicycles, and/or electric scooters available for rent on a short-term basis within a defined service area. A number of communities are embracing this new technology as part of the transportation network, but many are also learning that it can become burdensome if unprepared for their arrival.


The Transportation Agency produced these resources to assist local jurisdictions with adopting policies to regulate dockless bike/scooter shared mobility programs. TAMC staff researched the issues other cities (including the City of Santa Monica, City of Fort Lauderdale, and the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency) faced and noted what worked well. Staff then presented and collected input on the draft best practices and sample ordinance at the February 2019 meetings of the Bicycle & Pedestrian Facilities Advisory Committee and the Technical Advisory Committee. The final documents were presented to the TAMC Board of Directors at the February 27, 2019 meeting.

For more information on the Dockless Bike/Scooter Shared Mobility Program best practices and sample ordinance, please contact Stefania Castillo, Transportation Planner, at (831) 775-4412 or via email at