FORTAG Canyon Del Rey - Preliminary Construction Bid Results

You are invited to submit your construction bid for the Canyon Del Rey segment of the Fort Ord Regional Trail and Greenway project.
Bids will be accepted until 2:00 p.m. PST on Thursday, February 15, 2024 (per Addendum No. 2).
An electronic bidding process has been adopted for this solicitation. The link to the electronic bid system website is Bid Express:: Solicitations :: 7300.01.CDR.01. All vendors must have an account to view the solicitation. The link to create a vendor account is Infotech® Express Account Registration. Bid Forms, Contract Documents and Addenda, if issued, will be available from the electronic bidding system. Paper bids will not be accepted. Electronic bids must be submitted through the electronic bidding system. The results of the bid opening will be posted on the electronic bidding system website.
The work, in general, consists of construction of the trail through the City of Del Rey Oaks from Fremont Boulevard to Del Rey Woods Elementary School in the City of Seaside. An underpass is proposed under Canyon Del Rey Boulevard between Del Rey Oaks City Hall and the Frog Pond Wetland Preserve. A 12-foot wide raised pathway will be constructed to connect trail users from the underpass to Carlton Drive at an accessible grade. Along Carlton Drive, the trail will consist of a new 12-foot wide multi-use sidewalk with a 5-foot wide buffer on the west side of the road and will continue along the south side of Plumas Avenue to the Del Rey Woods Elementary School. For more information, please refer to the project Plans, the project as described in the Standard Specifications, Standard Plans, and the Special Provisions.
The Engineer’s Construction Cost Estimate for the project is $12,296,500. Bids are required for the entire work described herein.
A non-mandatory Pre-Bid meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 9, 2024 at 10:00 am at the Charlie Benson Memorial Hall, Del Rey Oaks City Hall, 650 Canyon Del Rey, Del Rey Oaks, CA 93940.
Submit all bidder inquiries directly through the electronic bidding system. Bidder inquiries must be received by Tuesday, January 16, 2024, at 2:00 pm (per Addendum No. 1). All responses to bidder inquiries and addenda will be available on the electronic bidding system. It is each bidder’s responsibility to check the website for these documents.
A bid Bond in the amount of 10% of the total bid is required. Bidders may use an Electronic Bid Bond or submit a paper bid bond to TAMC by the bid deadline. To submit Bid Bonds electronically, pleaswe ensure your company and your bonding agent's company register with one of the following Bid Bond agencies affiliated with Bid express:
Surety 2000, Lisa Deatherage, (800) 660-3263,
Tinubu (formerly SuretyWave), (800) 989-6417 / (818) 783-3460, (formerly
The project is funded through the California Active Transportation Program and local Measure X funding. The construction contract must be executed prior to June 30, 2024, in order to meet funding requirements.
At the time of the bid opening, the successful Bidder must be legally entitled to perform contracts requiring a Class “A” General Engineering Contractor’s license or a combination of Specialty Class “C” licenses sufficient to cover all of the work to be performed by him. Any Bidder or contractor not so licensed shall be subject to all penalties imposed by law including, but not limited to, any appropriate disciplinary action by the Contractor’s State Licensing Board.
All vendors who intend to submit a bid will be required to install the Info Tech Express Sign Tool and generate an Info Tech Digital ID for your authorized signer, which may take up to three business days (although typically one business day). Please plan accordingly. The following is a link to their Knowledge Center.
If you need Bid Express assistance, please telephone the dedicated Bid Express customer support team at 1.888.352.2439 for live support from 7 am to 8 pm EDT during weekdays or email support at
Preliminary Bid Results
FORTAG CDR Seg 1 - Bid Results 2024 0215 Preliminary.pdf
Plans and Specifications
FORTAG CDR Seg 1 - Notice to Bidders & Special Provisions 2023 1201.pdfFORTAG CDR Seg 1 - Plans 2023 1201 Signed.pdfFORTAG CDR Seg 1 - Addedum 1 2023 0112.pdfFORTAG CDR Seg 1 - Addendum 2 2024 0122.pdfFORTAG CDR Seg 1 - Addendum 3 2024 0201.pdf
Information Handout
FORTAG CDR - Foundation Report for Bridge 6231.0 Final.pdfFORTAG CDR - Foundation Report for Ret Wall Final.pdfFORTAG CDR - Geotech Design Recommendation Report_Final.pdfFORTAG CDR - HMMP 2023-08 Rev 2023-1017_DRAFT.pdfFORTAG CDR - SWCP 2023-0616.pdfFORTAG CDR - SWDR 2023-0426 rev 2023-0915.pdfFORTAG CDR - Transportation Management Plan Jan 2023.pdf
Supplemental Information
FORTAG CDR Seg 1 - Sample Agmt.pdfFORTAG CDR Seg 1 - Sample Bidders Bond.pdfFORTAG CDR Seg 1 - Sample Payment Bond.pdfFORTAG CDR Seg 1 - Sample Performance Bond.pdfFORTAG CDR Seg 1 - LAPM Exhibit 9-I DBE Confirmation.pdfFORTAG CDR Seg 1 - LAPM Exhibit 12-B mod Bidders List of Subs.pdfFORTAG CDR Seg 1 - LAPM Exhibit 15-G Constr Contract DBE.pdfFORTAG CDR Seg 1 - LAPM Exhibit 15-H Proposer-Contractor GFE.pdf401 Permit - CCRWQCB Cert 32723WQ11 R3 12-08-23.pdf404 Permit - USACE NWP Verification Ltr SPN-2023-00173 12-11-23.pdfCDFW Streambed Alteration Agmt EPIMS-MON-39383-R4 Draft.pdf