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Holman Highway 68 Roundabout

The Holman Highway 68 Roundabout is relieving congestion at the busy intersection of Holman Highway 68, Highway 1 ramps and 17 Mile Drive near the entrance to Pebble Beach and the Community Hospital. This project is the result of a collaborative effort and a public-private partnership between the City of Monterey, Pebble Beach Company, Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Control District, County of Monterey, City of Pacific Grove, Caltrans and the Transportation Agency for Monterey County.


  • Relieve existing and future traffic congestion
  • Improve traffic safety
  • Improve traffic operations
  • Minimize delay of emergency vehicle access to the Community Hospital
  • Reduce bypass traffic through the Skyline Forest Neighborhood
  • Improve access to Pebble Beach, Community Hospital and Beverly Manor Development

Project History

The existing signalized intersection at Holman Highway 68 and Highway 1 ramps experiences unacceptable peak hour congestion.  Congestion at this location is costly to residents, visitors and businesses and delays emergency vehicles going to and from the Community Hospital. Surrounding neighborhoods have also suffered from cut-through traffic, a byproduct of congestion on Holman Highway 68. In 2009 Caltrans adopted a project report that included upgrading the signalized intersection and widening of Holman Highway 68.

The City began to seek out alternatives to the signalized intersection and conducted a roundabout feasibility study in 2011-2012 using an Air District Grant (AB 2766 grant).  The study showed that compared with the signalized intersection option, a roundabout option is:

  • Safer
  • Less Expensive
  • More Efficient
  • Cleaner (less air pollution)
  • More environmentally friendly (will save hundreds of Monterey Pine trees)

In 2013, the City conducted an intersection control evaluation (ICE) to confirm that a roundabout would work at the intersection of Holman Highway and 17 Mile Drive.  The evaluation revealed that the roundabout design can accommodate existing and future demand.

The project is now fully funded using a combination of state, regional and local sources.  The project has received funding from the Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Control District, Transportation Agency for Monterey County and Pebble Beach Company.

Project Timeline:

  • 1993: Hwy 68 Widening Recommended to relieve congestion
  • 2009: Hwy 68 Project Report Approved
  • 2009: SR 68 (Holman Highway) Widening Project EIR Completed
  • 2009 Preferred Alternative – Signalized Intersection with Roadway widening
  • 2012: Pebble Beach Company Project EIR (Del Monte Forest) Approved
  • 2011: Fehr & Peers Traffic Study
  • 2011-2012: City of Monterey Roundabout Feasibility Study
  • 2013: Draft Intersection Control Evaluation/RCAR
  • 2013 Preferred Alternative – Roundabout

Project Background Resources

Intersection Control Evaluation StudyHolman Highway Widening Project ReportRoundabout Concept DesignEnvironmental Impact ReportRoundabout Technical AnalysisMitigation Monitoring ProgramGrowth Assumptions with Presidio of Monterey VolumesExisting Conditions ReportPresidio of Monterey VolumesForest Management PlanVisual Resources Technical StudyNoise Technical StudyWater Quality Technical StudyHazardous Materials Technical StudyCultural Resources Technical StudyAir Quality Technical Study

Environmental Impacts Comparison

Category Project Impact Signal Roundabout
Visual/Aesthetics Reduced visual quality due to: increased pavement, retaining walls and removal of vegetation clip_image001_0007
Air Quality Short-term due to construction clip_image001_0007
Biological Resources Removal of Monterey Pine clip_image001_0007
Dusky-Footed Woodrat habitat clip_image001_0007
Wetland and other waters clip_image001_0007
Hazards ADL, asbestos & lead-based paint clip_image001_0007
Noise Construction noise clip_image001_0007
Utilities Relocations clip_image001_0007 clip_image001_0007
*All impacts are less than significant or less than significant with mitigation
** No new regulations create additional impacts or required mitigation
clip_image001_0007 = Less significant impact between the two alternatives

Public Outreach

The goals of the public outreach and education campaign are to:

  • Spark internal and external stakeholders’ interest
  • Increase understanding of the benefits of a roundabout
  • Provide basic “how-to” instructions so that travelers will be confident when navigating the roundabout for the first time
  • Provide an environment that is comfortable and secure for asking questions
  • Tailor outreach strategies to address local concerns

The campaign will occur in two phases. The first phase will provide basic information about the project background, purpose and schedule , and general education about roundabouts. The second phase will provide information on staging and construction.

Roundabout Design

Wonder what the various features of the Homan Highway 68 Roundabout design look like?

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Roundabout Signs and Navigation

Wayfinding signage is an important component of the Holman Highway 68 Roundabout and will help travelers navigate through the intersection to their desired destination. Below are examples of two types of signs that will be visible at the approach to the roundabout and at exits.

May contain: road
May contain: road

Watch these videos to get step-by-step navigation through the future Holman Highway 68 Roundabout

Community Hospital from Hwy 1S via Holman Hwy 68 Roundabout

Pebble Beach from Hwy 1S via Holman Hwy 68 Roundabout

Hwy 1S from Pacific Grove via Holman Hwy 68 Roundabout


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